October 19, 2018 / Chapter News and Notices

AIA Baltimore Harassment Policy


AIA Baltimore (a component of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)) and its members are committed to full compliance with all laws and regulations, and to maintaining the highest ethical standards in the way we conduct our operations and activities. This policy is designed to prevent sexual and other types of harassment within AIA Baltimore, and to provide for corrective action as appropriate.

Who Is Covered by the Policy

This policy applies to the following people, referred to as Covered Individuals:

  • members of the AIA Baltimore Board of Directors (or other governing body);
  • all individuals who act on AIA Baltimore‘s behalf through election, appointment (including appointment to a committee), or Board action, or under authority from its Bylaws or Rules;
  • AIA Baltimore staff;
  • all individual members of AIA Baltimore engaged in activities relating to the business of the AIA such as meetings and events, continuing education sessions, tours, and any other AIA-related;
  • all other individuals engaged in activities relating to the business of AIA Baltimore such as meetings and events, continuing education sessions, tours, and any other AIA Baltimore-related activities, including those managed on behalf of the Baltimore Architecture Foundation, or co-sponsored with allied organizations.

Prohibited Conduct

This policy prohibits discriminatory or harassing behavior (that is, unwelcome conduct) directed toward a person because of his or her sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation or identification, family responsibilities, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, or other status protected under the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which AIA Baltimore is present or the relevant activities take place.
Accordingly, no Covered Individual shall:

  • engage in or facilitate any discriminatory or harassing behavior directed toward AIA officers, directors, members, staff, meeting attendees, exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors, suppliers, contractors, guests, or others in connection with activities relating to the AIA.
  • engage in speech or conduct which is disparaging or derogatory of persons based on any of the factors mentioned above, in connection with activities relating to the AIA.

Reporting a Violation

Violations of this policy may be reported to the AIA Baltimore Executive Director and/or to the Board of Directors. The Board will be responsible for resolving any reported violation, and will determine an appropriate course of action. This will ordinarily involve a prompt inquiry or investigation, which shall be conducted with utmost discretion and be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible. Such inquiry or investigation shall be conducted by the Board or by one or more of its members, by legal counsel retained by AIA Baltimore, or by such other person(s) as the Board may designate.

Board Action

Promptly after the inquiry or investigation has been completed, the resulting findings will be reported to the Board. The Board shall then conduct such proceedings and take such action as may be appropriate and authorized under applicable law and under the governing documents of the Institute and of AIA Baltimore. If a Board member has been charged with the pertinent violation, he or she may present arguments and supporting evidence on his or her behalf, but will not otherwise influence or participate in the Board’s proceedings on the violation.
If the Board of AIA Baltimore fails to address an alleged violation in the manner shown above, the person reporting the alleged violation may contact   AIA Maryland at If AIA Maryland fails to respond, the person reporting the alleged violation may contact the General Counsel of the American Institute of Architects at