2019 AIA Baltimore President Suzanne Frasier, FAIA, Past President Ann Powell, AIA, and Executive Director Kathleen Lane, AIA pose with Morgan State students at the 2018 AIA Baltimore Excellence in Design Awards

None of AIA Baltimore’s achievements would have been possible without the contributions of our outstanding directors, staff, committees, and members. We are a remarkable institution because of all of you. I also recognize and thank our past-president, Ann Powell, AIA, whose focused and dedicated support powered AIA Baltimore to new heights. And I would be remiss to not thank all the individual and corporate sponsors who provide the much needed financial support for AIA Baltimore’s busy event schedule.
One of my favorite things that we do each month at the board of directors meetings is a “once-around-the-table” where each person gets the chance to share a piece of great news that we’re proud of and excited about. And what better exemplifies this positive process of accomplishment than our AIA Baltimore chapter? Ever since I joined the AIA Baltimore Urban Design Committee in 2002, I have seen how our chapter acts as an agent of positive change for our profession and for our city. From local advocacy to fostering the next generation of architects, AIA Baltimore is doing so much to support the profession and affect the greater good for Baltimore and for our local practitioners and affiliates.
As I write this letter, the holiday season has wound to a close and the US Government has shut down. We can all be thinking about what each of us can do to improve our city and chapter, whether it is volunteering, digging into our pockets, mentoring an architecture student at Morgan State’s School of Architecture, or joining another AIA Baltimore committee. And to further that end, in every President’s Letter—just in time for the updates on the latest chapter doings—I will convey the latest great news from our committees and the board of directors.
AIA Baltimore’s 2018 Year in Review chronicled the many initiatives that the chapter has been focusing on, many of which will be continued and expanded upon in 2019. If you haven’t read the Year in Review, don’t hesitate to check it out now!
The solidarity that defines community and the sense of belonging with and to one another were the things that dominated the Chapter in 2018 and which will continue into this next year.
Cheers! Here’s to a Happy New Year and a great 2019!

Suzanne Frasier, FAIA
Morgan State University School of Architecture + Planning