May 21, 2024 / BAF News and Notices

Doors Open Baltimore – Want to get involved?

Launched in 2014, Doors Open Baltimore, hosted by Baltimore Architecture Foundation, is an annual city-wide festival honoring Baltimore’s diverse cultural tapestry by highlighting its vibrant neighborhoods, captivating architecture, and distinctive spaces that contribute to the city’s exceptional charm. Doors Open Baltimore is the Foundation’s signature annual program, and its success depends on the many people, partner organizations, and sponsoring companies that help bring it all together!

There are many ways to get involved:

Do you own or work in (or are designing/renovating/developing) a space that is of architectural, historic, or cultural significance? Doors Open Baltimore includes 50+ open house sites and over a dozen guided tours!

Tell us about your space and we may be able to include it as an open house or guided tour site.

What space(s) should be part of our Doors Open Baltimore or tour schedule? Give us suggestions!

Are you available Saturday, October 26? Do you like hanging out in cool places and interacting with people? Volunteer to be a greeter, welcoming people to Doors Open sites.

Indicate your interest on our volunteer sign-in form.

Do you work for a business that might like to sponsor Doors Open Baltimore and get their company logo in front of thousands of participants? Doors Open Baltimore is made possible by generous event sponsor.

Check out the sponsorship levels and benefits.