When: Friday, December 10 / 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
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Categorized under: Networking, Special Events

2021 AIA/BAF Annual Meeting & Holiday Party

Celebrate The Season. This event is an opportunity to celebrate the holidays, network with fellow AIA Baltimore members and Baltimore Architecture Foundation (BAF) supporters, and learn how to become more involved in the chapter and BAF programs.

Enjoy networking with fellow professionals in the field and see the Baltimore Center for Architecture and Design, the new home of AIA Baltimore and The Baltimore Architecture Foundation, along with other professional design organizations. This event will feature delicious local fare and open bar highlighting the best of Baltimore’s culinary and craft beverages.

A Special Cause: Join us in celebrating the life of late AIA Baltimore member and CANStruction advocate Ken Dill, by bringing canned foods to our 2021 Annual Meeting & Holiday Party

For Your Safety We Are:

  • Requiring Proof of Vaccination
  • Requiring Masks/Social Distancing
  • Limiting Entry To 150 Patrons

Parking At The Center: The most convenient place to park for our event is the SP Parking garage located at: 100 W Fayette St, Baltimore, MD 21202. For more convenient parking options near One Charles Center click here.


12:00 – Annual Meeting

12:30 – Watch the LIVE Judging of our 2021 Gingerbread Design Competion

1:00 – Networking

2:00 – End of Program


Please consider making a donation to the Baltimore Architecture Foundation (BAF) and the Maryland Architects PAC.

Your contribution to the BAF will support public outreach, education, research, publications, and scholarship programs to promote awareness of Baltimore’s architecture and built environment, and is tax-deductible (as allowed by law).


Sponsor This Unique Event

Patron ($1000) – Company logo included on PowerPoint; website; marketing materials; Company banner/signage can be displayed at registration.

Major Sponsor ($500) – Company logo included on PowerPoint; website; marketing materials

Sponsor ($250) – Company name included on PowerPoint; website; marketing materials

To become a sponsor, please contact Margaret Stella Melikian at mstella@aiabalt.com

More Upcoming Networking
February 27, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Happy Hour

March 20, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Happy Hour