When: Wednesday, March 24 / 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Organizer: AIA Baltimore

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Categorized under: Networking, Special Events

Good Design = Good Health: AIA Baltimore Health & Wellness Annual Showcase

This event has been moved to September 1, 2021 and is now tentatively planned as an in-person event. More information to follow…

Join the AIA Baltimore Health & Wellness Committee in the 6th Annual Design Showcase- Good Design=Good Health.

Date: September 1, 2021
Time: 5:00-6:00 PM

Project Submission Deadline: August 19

The AIA Baltimore Health & Wellness Committee will be hosting its 6th Annual Design Showcase- Good Design=Good Health on Wednesday, March 24th, 2020 from 5-6PM. This exhibition is intended to be a fun way for architects, engineers, urban planners, interior designers, contractors, and others to show the local community how they have been creating healthy spaces. The goal of this exhibition is to showcase designs that promote health and wellness in a variety of ways.

The theme of the showcase, Good Design=Good Health, paints a broad stroke of healthy design. Cities and communities that foster healthy living, mental well-being and social connectedness don’t just happen. It takes forward thinking and innovative designers to create spaces that elevate a community’s way of life. For our showcase, we are encouraging architects, engineers, general contractors, landscape architects, urban planners, and artists to submit projects and designs that broadly speak to community health. From the urban planner who designed new bike lane routes throughout the city, to the landscape architect’s healing garden for children, to the contractors bringing the adaptive reuse vision to life, to the architect’s design of community schools bringing to life one’s vision of academics and healthcare access coming together under one roof- everyone brings their own idea of a healthy environment and how to create it.

What you can look forward to: The AIA Baltimore Health & Wellness Committee is interested in bringing members of the design community together with a BRAND-NEW forum to showcase their designs with peers, while also being afforded the opportunity to observe the creative work of others. On this night we will come together to celebrate our successes, share best practices, strategize solutions, and discuss adaptation. To ensure our committee and community members maintain their health, this year’s event will be held virtually. Break out groups will be created, with 5 submissions in each, coupled based on a common underlying theme. This will allow for more intimate conversation and a deeper dive into each project.


Presenters: $25 for AIA Baltimore and MD ASLA members; $45 for non-members.

Attendees (those not presenting): FREE for AIA Baltimore and MD ASLA members; $20 for non-members.

Submissions: We are seeking submissions from the design community for projects that speak to the idea of a healthy city or a healthy environment. The promotion of good health comes in so many shapes and sizes; we want to celebrate them all!

Eligibility: Projects must have been designed or constructed within the past 3 years (2018-2020). Projects may be of any size or value.

Format: Slides (in PDF format), maximum of 4. Slides are due to AIA Baltimore by August 19th. Firms may make multiple submissions, if interested, but will need 1 presenter for each project to accommodate this year’s virtual format.

After purchasing your presenter ticket please: Click Here To Access Your Project Submission Form!


Contact Kathleen Lane, Executive Director at klane@aiabalt.com


Register Here


Become A Sponsor For This Event!

Sponsoring the showcase is a great way to bring exposure to your company at an event promoting the best in healthy design.

Major Sponsor ($500)
Company logo listed on the AIA Baltimore event page, newsletter promotion, and logo recognition in the virtual Showcase presentation. Additionally, your firm will receive two complimentary project submissions, to include event registration.

Sponsor ($250)
Company name listed on the AIA Baltimore event page, newsletter promotion, and logo recognition in the virtual Showcase presentation. Additionally, your firm will receive one complimentary project submissions, to include event registration.

For more information on sponsorship contact Margaret Stella Melikian at mstella@aiabalt.com. Sponsorship registration is available via Eventbrite or by check, or credit card payment.

More Upcoming Networking
March 20, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Happy Hour