When: Saturday, April 25 / 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
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Categorized under: Committee Meetings

Hands-On Masonry Workshop (ART/ARE)

Belair Road Supply
7750 Pulaski Hwy, Baltimore, MD 21237, USA

Register Online: http://www.aiabaltimore.org/events/17th-annual-hands-on-masoxnry-workshop/ Join us for the 16th Annual Hands-On Masonry Workshop! This workshop allows you to work side-by-side with experienced masons. You’ll learn how to:

  • Mix mortar and lay-up brick and block mock-up walls
  • Construct window openings and corner conditions
  • Learn about installation of through-wall flashing, tiebacks, mortar net and weep holes

This is a great learning opportunity that will give further insight into those wall section details that you have been drawing! Coffee, bagels and donuts will be provided as well as cotton gloves. Be sure to wear appropriate shoes and work clothing for this activity. This event is indoors and will take place rain or shine. Special thanks to our host: Belair Road Supply

More Upcoming Committee Meetings
March 12, 12:00 pm – December 03,
Committee Meetings

Design Awards Committee